Mares  >  Inspection  >  Paperwork 
Procedure Paperwork Presentation Scoring Fees

Inspection Paperwork for Mares

    When coming to an inspection, please, make sure to bring all important documents for the inspection and registration along:

    For mares which should be entered into a Mare Book, we need to see the original registration document and we need one xerox of it for the registry's file. If the registration document does not show the required three generation pedigree (as JC documents don't) we need an official printout of the four generation pedigree. This should be provided by the owner (For Jockey Club mares you may call for full pedigree: (606) 224-2800, 800-333-1778 or No other website print is valid. If the Registry has to do the pedigree research, there is a $20.00 surcharge.