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  1. The bidding is over
    Info: You may overwrite this with any higher amount.
    Bid odd amounts (e.g. 967) to avoid ties! BOOKING FEES are included!
    Bid (in US$):
    Stallion: Corteo
    High Bid (booking fee included!): $391
    Collection Fee: $350.00*
    Shipping Fee: ---
    Deposit on Container: ---
    Breeding season: unlimited
    Comments: *incl. shipping
    Owner's Comments: Corteo, is a premium foal producing, line bred Cor de la Bryere grandson, with his grandsires' exceptional temperament, who has once again excelled beyond expectations in 2019 by taking his young rider, with prodigious dreams, from rank amateur to multiple Oregon championships, first in Hunters and then on to Jumpers.
    For further information about the stallion go to APPROVED STALLIONS.
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